• hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com
  • +977-1-4986690

Organic Herbs


Shorea robusta Gaertn

Subdeciduous tree about 50 m high. Bark reddish brown, rough with long deep, wide vertical fissures. Leaves petioled, 10 to 20 cm long, 5 to 13 cm wide, ovate to oblong, entire, leathery, acuminate, glabrous, upper surface green, shiny, lower surface slightly rough green. Flowers yellowish in axillary and terminal panicles. Flowers from April to May. Fruits around July.


It looks like resin, shiny, yellow-brown in color. It smells like its leaves. Small pieces of resin are almost transparent.


Resin is used in Diarrhea, urine burns, burn or teeth ache. In Nepal, its leaves are used to make local plates called " doona and tapari", in which rice and curry is served.

Additional information

Essential oil containers available:
10gm, 1kg, 25kg or custom size

For further details and questions,

please contact HBTL.
Email: hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com

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