• hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com
  • +977-1-4986690

Organic Herbs

Somlata (Ephedra)

Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf

Tufted gymnospermous perennial shrub about 1 m high. Stem much branched, branches whorled, spreading. Leaves reduced to two-toothed sheaths. Plants dioecious. Cones yellowish. Ovule ovoid, surrounded by persistent bracts. Cones from June to August. Fruits from August to October.


Stem tastes acerbic . Flower is red and sweet when eaten. Branches while in trade are green brown in color. Leaves in the nodes occurs like scales. It does not have any special smell.


Dry fine branches are used in the treatment of Sinusitis, Asthma, nose and neck related diseases, Epilepsy, Diuretic and Allergy. Modern Medical Science has found it as a source of chemical called Ephedrine. It also helps to decrease the blood pressure.

Additional information

Essential oil containers available:
10gm, 1kg, 25kg or custom size

For further details and questions,

please contact HBTL.
Email: hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com

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